Monday, September 10, 2007

Thoughts on Michael Moore's "Idiot Nation"

In Michael Moore's Idiot Nation, Moore's tone and word choice affected his credibility in my mind. I understand the strong feelings put into the book are surely justified in his mind. I think that until the reader is completely won over, a boldly critical tone is a turn off to the reader. When Moore notes the concern of political leaders "maintaining our title as Dumbest Country on Earth" (135), I found it to be inappropriate and extremely biased. The tone of his overall writing led me to question his credibility and facts.

Another point in Idiot Nation that reoccurred in my mind as I read, was my defensive disbelief. I found myself disbelieving Moore's facts about our political leaders merely because i did not want to imagine the endless possibilities of flaws in our government if Moore was one hundred percent factual. Maybe it has something to do with a daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance or hearing the National Anthem at every sporting event, but the pride I have in the United States is deeply ingrained and instinctive. Regardless, I have happily called America my home for my whole life, and therefore I find it difficult to be one thoroughly open minded towards antagonistic views of the U.S. I know our nation is not perfect on any scale. However, I believe, possibly naively, that our president woud to anything in his power for the good of our nation. Likewise, most of our elected officials have good and honest intentions for our country.

Conclusively, I enjoyed reading Idiot Nation. I would definitely not use it as a single resourse to fact, but I do consider it meaningful writing on the flaws of the political system in the United States.


.:Sandra Malixi:. said...

When I first heard about Michael Moore when he came out with Fahrenheit 9/11 I didn't really like him but after watching it I realized that he makes many valid points. I understand why you say he's biased.

Lynn A. Hardin said...

Yes I agree he is somewhat biased and I'm also a patriotic American so I really understand your point. At least you seem to be more patriotic than the average American. I thought very similar things while reading Idiot Nation. I liked your point of view.